最近扭扭很長要看客戶合約, 所以順手整理了一份合約常出現的單詞和句子, 大家一起學習~!

independent implementation rules:獨立執行的規則

revoke an order:撤銷訂單

only accept dates of delivery given by calendar weeks or fixed dates:只接受以日曆週或明確日期的形式確認交貨日期。

Payment after Arrival of Goods = cash on delivery (COD):貨到付款 /  到付

cash before delivery (CBD):寄付 / 先付款後交貨

advance payment / anticipated payment / prepayment:預先付款

delivery order:出貨單 / 送貨單

free shipping:免運費

In case of non-compliance:如果不遵守

Sb. will demand compensation of the expense caused thereby: Sb. 將要求賠償由此造成的費用

Supplier bears all costs of delivery:供應商承擔所有運費

duty formalities:關稅手續

The re-inspection fee shall be borne by the supplier. :重新驗貨的費用應當由供應商承擔   (片語:borne by you 由你承擔)

decide the further procedure:決定下一步的程序

Supplier is not authorized to make partial deliveries:供應商無權分批交貨

when the goods are handed over to Buyer:當貨物移交給買家時

deficient delivery:交貨不足 / 短出

Fumigation certificate:煙燻證明

certificate of origin, C/O:產地證明

Letter of credit, L/C:信用狀

100% full quality inspection/ full inspection:全檢

random inspection:抽檢

vendor code of conduct:供應商行為準則

quality assurance & compliance:品質保證與承諾



If moulds are required for the production, the costs of these should be listed separately on the quotation.
如果生產需要版模, 此項費用需獨立列在報價單上.



Vetting Process:審查流程

New Factory Vetting Process for Existing Owned Brand Vendors

Corrective Action Plan(簡稱CAP):改善計畫

Remedial Action Plan:補救措施方案

All goods must be delivered in the agreed quality, style and dimensions as mentioned on the order sheet and in accordance with design instructions and approved samples.


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