
I know that this order has created some frustration, both on your end as well as ours.  We have been very patient with the timing on orders for X59863.  As you can see from the order timeline, this order was originally placed on 9/1 and based on the lead days, should have been ready to ship on 12/1.  

However, immediately after placing the order, on 9/6, the order was rejected due to the Mid-Autumn Festival and China National Holiday.  In addition, it was also mentioned about the environment inspection and that the raw materials lead-time would be longer than usual.  We were asked to revise the ship date to 12/6 – 12/13 and we complied.  We thank you for the quick response after we placed the order and informing us of the challenges that you were experiencing.  

Unfortunately, we have arrived at the ship date and we are just now being informed of another delay, which we feel could have been communicated much sooner, as the reason given was the same reason given on 9/6.  We feel that we have already accounted for the materials issue back in September with the original rejection and request for PO extension.

We continue to lose significant dollars and you awarded us exclusivity on this item for only a year.  We have been out of stock on this item for 3 months, which has eaten into our exclusivity timeframe.  We are asking for compensation to the additional delay on this order, a 10% reduction or $2,000, which is minimal compared to the lost sales we have encountered.  In addition, we are also asking for extended exclusivity through 2019.

If we need to update lead times on the site to ensure we will continue to have a consistent flow of goods, then we will work with you to make those changes in the system.

We look forward to hearing from you.


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