教育階段的中文+英文 | 各年級的中文+英文 |
幼兒園 Preschool |
幼幼班好像沒有在說很精準地年級(笑) |
幼稚園 Kindergarten |
幼一 / 小班 Year1 - (first year of kindergarten) 幼二 / 中班 Year2 - (second year of kindergarten) 幼三 / 大班 Year3 - (third year of kindergarten) |
國小 / 小學 Elementary school |
小一 Year1 (1th Grade) - First grade (first year of elementary school) 小二 Year2 (2nd Grade) - Second grade (second year of elementary school) 小三 Year3 (3rd Grade) - Third grade (third year of elementary school) 小四 Year4 (4th Grade) - Fourth grade (fourth year of elementary school) 小五 Year5 (5th Grade) - Fifth grade (fifth year of elementary school) 小六 Year6 (6nd Grade) - Sixth grade (sixth year of elementary school) |
國中 / 初中 Junior high school |
國一 Year1 (7th Grade) - Seventh grade (first year of junior high school) 國二 Year2 (8nd Grade) - Eighth grade (second year of junior high school) 國三 Year3 (9rd Grade) - Ninth grade (third year of junior high school) |
高中 / 中學 High school |
高一 Year1 (10th Grade) - Tenth grade (first year of high school) 高二 Year2 (11nd Grade) - Eleven grade (second year of high school) 高三 Year3 (12rd Grade) - Twelfth grade (third year of high school) |
大學 University / College |
大一 Year1 (9th Grade) - Freshman (first year of college) 大二 Year2 (10th Grade) - Sophomore (second year of college) 大三 Year3 (11th Grade) - Junior (third year of college) 大四 Year4 (12th Grade) - Senior (fourth year of college) |
碩士班 / 研究所 Graduate School |
碩一 First year of graduate school 碩二 Second year of graduate school 碩三 Third year of graduate school |
博士班 Doctor Program |
博一 First year of doctoral program 博二 Second year of doctoral program 博三 Third year of doctoral program |
教育階段的中文+英文 | 學生稱謂的中文+英文 | 學位的中文+英文 |
大學 University / College |
學士(結業):bachelor |
學士學位: bachelor degree B.S. degree |
碩士班 / 研究所 Graduate School |
碩士(結業):master 碩士生(未結業): MS student, M.S. student, master student 研究生(未結業): graduate student, postgraduate student |
碩士學位: MS degree M.S. degree master degree master's degree |
博士班 Doctor Program |
博士(結業):doctor 博士生(未結業): PhD student, Ph.D. student, doctoral student 博士候選人: Ph.D. candidate, doctoral candidate 博士後研究: postdoc, postdoctoral student |
博士學位: PhD degree Ph.D. degree doctoral degree |
1. 你現在幾年級? 我讀國小六年級
Q: What grade are you in now?
A: I'm in the 6th grade. (或 I'm studying in the 6th grade. 或 I''m in my 6th year of elementary school.)
說明:因台灣從小一到高三的學制,在政府未遷台時,就已採美國的十二年grade school制;即頭六年是小學,然後初高中各三年,所以只要說I'm in the xxth grade. 大多數英美人士就知道你還在唸小學或初中或高中。只是台灣學校的門口英文招牌,各自會標明究竟是elementary school 小學,或Junior High國中,或 school Sr. High School高中)
2. 你數學考幾分? (自然科學考得怎樣?)
Q: What's your grade (in Math)? 或 What grade did you get (on that Science project) ?
A: I think it's a D minus. 或I got a C plus. 或 My grade is B.
說明:美國學校的評分制通常是A, B,C,D 等grade制,所以在此會用 grade問。然而在台灣十二年級內,我們通常採分數score制,所以可改用score 問
Q: What's your score (in Social Studies)? 或What score did you get?
A: My score is 95. 或 I got 80.
* * * * * *
Mr. Lee was my grade 5 English teacher.
They are the freshmen of the English Department.
He is in his sophomore year.
The seniors defeated the juniors by 3-1.