在信件往來的過程中, 偶爾會發生一些信件方面的問題.
常見的如: 漏信(或是沒收到信件), 信件被阻擋, 檔案太大無法送出...等問題.
I didn't receive your eamil, can you send it to me again? 我並未收到你的信件, 請重新發送.
I just wanted to follow up to see if you received my last email? In case you did not, I've included it below. 我想跟進關於上封信件的事, 以防萬一你沒收到, 我將該信件附在下方.
Please check your junk (mail) folder / spam (mail) folder. 請確認你的垃圾信箱
Some attachment file types are automatically blocked because of their potential for introducing a virus into computer. Please double check the file types. 某些附檔類型會被Outlook自動阻檔, 因為它們可能會將病毒引入電腦. 請再次檢查文件類型.
Please whitelist us. 請將我們加入白名單.
To keep receiving emails from us, please add us to your address book. 為了持續收到我們的信件, 請將我們加入通訊錄中.
This file attachment is too large to be viewed. 檔案太大無法查看.
There is no attachment on your email, please resend. 信件中並無附檔, 請重新發送.
Shall you have any problem accessing the folders, please let me know. 如果檔案開啟有問題請通知我.
Apparently there is a 5MB file size limit on attachments for our me. 我司有5MB的信件大小限制.
In general, it is best to minimize the size of your attachment(s). 通常, 最好盡量減少附件的大小
If that is not possible, you can upload attachments to an external storage service rather than attaching them to messages. 如果沒辦法, 可以將附件上傳到外部存儲空間,而非附加到郵件.